Trinity Benediction

Last night I had a dream where I was leading worship. I must be missing in person worship more than I had realized. For all of us dreaming of returning to worship with handshakes, hugs, singing, and no worries of sharing germs, I offer this benediction.

Go in love. Know you are created in God’s own image and loved more than you can imagine. Share that love!

Go in peace. Follow in the footsteps of the Prince of Peace seeking to be peacemakers in all you do.

Go in hope. Listen for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as you live into your calling.

Go out sharing love, peace, and hope!

Almost Everything: Notes on Hope by Anne Lamott

When I read Anne Lamott, I laugh and cry and nod my head in agreement. In this book, she shares her thoughts on a variety of topics. If you enjoy her writing, you will enjoy this book.

I laughed out loud when in her chapter on writing she said, “And everything that happened to you belongs to you. If people wanted you to write more warmly about them, they should have behaved better” (68).

Her writing draws on her life experiences and it draws me in with its truth telling. She writes about prayer, making life choices, end of life, and relationships.

“The lesson here is that there is no fix. There is, however, forgiveness. To forgive yourselves and others constantly is necessary. Not only is everyone screwed up, but everyone screws up” (50).

”…the more time you spend in the presence of death, the less you fear it. Your life will be greatly enhanced by spending time with dying people, even though you’ve been taught to avoid doing so” (77). I agree wholeheartedly!

”I wish good things lasted forever. That would work best for me. But God is a lot more subtle than I am comfortable with. Saint John wrote that God is Love, that anytime you experience kindness and generosity, hope, patience and caring, you are in the presence of God” (102).

“Hospice is the cavalry. Hospice means that death isn’t going to be nearly as bad as you think” (125). I am thankful when people agree with these words and trust Hospice to enter their homes and allow us to join in life beside you. I often say-we can’t make it easy. My hope is that we can make this time a little easier.

This book will not take you long to read, and then the words inside will stay with you. You may be challenged and changed and encouraged to see things in a new way. Give this book a read!

Psalm 139 Benediction

Sunday’s Psalm reading is Psalm 139:1-12 and 23-24. In the challenging and odd time, we all need a reminder that wherever we are God is present. God does not abandon us nor ever stop loving us. This is good news. I encourage you to read the Psalm and then speak out loud for yourself and those you love this benediction.

As you go out into the beauty of God’s world or stay in your homes, know God sees you. As you do your part to keep others safe in this time, know that God is with you. As you pray for your friends, family, and people you do not know, know that God hears your joys and cries of pain. As you begin a new week with God, know that God is leading you in the way everlasting. You are created in God’s own image, and you are God’s beloved. Amen.