Fishing (Again)
I would like to talk about fishing. Growing up, my grandparents would take my sister and I fishing in a pond on their farm. We would load up all the necessary supplies into the pickup truck and then set out driving a little ways on the road and then through the field until we came to the fishing pond. Everyone would get their five gallon bucket and fishing pole. And I also brought a book. I wanted to be back at the house reading and had to fish. So, I would cast my line into the pond, see that my bobber was steady, sit on my bucket, and pick up my book. Someone would yell my name when my bobber went under. I would sigh and set down my book so I could reel in a fish. As you can tell this was not an activity I enjoyed.
Recently, my husband thought we should start fishing. All of the trips to the fishing pond came back to mind. Reluctantly, I agreed to fish with him. And I cannot tell you how surprised I was to discover that I am enjoying it. I find it so relaxing to stand on the dock, casting into the water, and slowly reeling it in. I find myself breathing slower and can feel my body relaxing as I fish. I have been watching sunsets and birds flying overhead. Lest you think I am a true fisher person. I am still happiest when I do not catch anything and can just enjoy the rhythm and action of casting out and reeling it in over and over.
So you can hear this reflection as an encouragement to try something again. Try something you didn’t enjoy and maybe this time you will. Disclaimer-you may still dislike the activity, and that is okay too!
Or maybe you will hear this as a call to go outside and soak in the beauty of nature.
Possibly, you are hearing a reminder to rest because God rested on the seventh day and your body needs rest too.
Holy One, we give you thanks this day for memories and new experiences. We are grateful for sunsets and time in your creation. We ask for strength to do the work you have called us to do. And as one of my hospice patients would always remind me, we can’t just pray for ourselves we have to pray for everyone else God loves too. So God, we remember your children around the world today. Ease the suffering. Mend the broken hearts. Feed those who are hungry and comfort everyone who is scared. Strengthen those fighting for justice and increase our compassion for each other. Hear our prayer and the prayers of all who call to you. Amen.