The Boy, the mole, the fox, and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy (Book Review)

The Boy, the mole, the fox, and the Horse
Charlie Mackesy

My mother handed me this book and encouraged me to sit and read it immediately. What an uplifting, beautiful book. It is easily readable in a very short time, and yet it is a book that deserves to be savored. With statement like, “the truth is everyone is winging it” and “sometimes just getting up and carrying on is brave and magnificent”, this book made me smile and want to reread it.

Meet these four unlikely friends who discover their devotion to each other and ways they can uplift each other. With beautiful illustrations and sparse words on each page, this book can be enjoyed by people of almost any age.

So as my mother recommended this to me, I recommend it to you. You can check if out from your local library and read it daily until it must go back. You can buy it and read it repeatedly until you give it to a friend who needs a reminder that they are loved. I invite you to read this book and remember you are loved more than you know

Sleep Countdown

What rituals and family activities are important in your life? When I was growing up, my paternal grandmother taught us to count down the time to important events with a sleep countdown. She would ask how many more sleeps until we come visit or you come to visit us. I have passed along the sleep countdown to the next generation and taught Grandma’s great grandchildren to count down how many more sleeps until the big event. It does my heart good to continue my Grandmother’s method of counting down and to share it with her legacies.

So, as I countdown to a visit with my niece and nephew, I am thankful that my memories of my Grandmother live on in me and in others who carry on her traditions. I’d love to hear about the rituals and family activities that frame your life.

My grandmother holding her great granddaughter.