Watch for the Wonders and Give Thanks!

Watch for the Wonders and Give Thanks!

Recently I spent some time watching the ocean. I could feel my breathing slow down as I watched the waves crash onto the shore. Little waves tumbled in while big waves came in so hard you could hear their strength. I longed to be out on the beach closer to the beauty of the ocean; however, it is cold where I live. I enjoyed the ocean from inside a warm room. And yet the thick glass separating me from the ocean did not stop me from hearing the waves or experiencing a sense of wonder at the vastness of the ocean.

So I sat and I watched. I gave thanks for the beauty of creation. I asked for protection for all who work on the water. I prayed for forgiveness for the many ways we have harmed our waters and all of creation. And I sat in awe that the God who made the oceans and all that live in them loves me.

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