About Me

Hello! My name is Susannah DeBenedetto. I am ordained in the United Church of Christ. I’ve served churches in Missouri, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Maryland. For eight years, I served as a Spiritual Counselor at Coastal Hospice. This blog was born out of the sabbatical I took in 2014 to refresh, renew, and read. I am currently serving as the Director of Youth Ministry at Buckingham Presbyterian Church.

I’ve always been part of the church. I grew up as a PK (Pastor’s Kid) and spent my whole childhood living in parsonages (houses usually near the church provided by the church for the pastor and pastor’s family). I consider the church people who raised me in the faith as part of my family and am grateful for their love and support through the years.

I graduated from Centre College with a degree in History. My Master’s of Divinity degree is from Eden Theological Seminary. I have a certificate in Youth and Theology from Princeton Theological Seminary. And I’m always searching for my next educational opportunity.

I love to read. I enjoy a good cup of tea. Exploring the world, laughing with friends and family, eating good food, and listening to other’s stories all bring me much joy. Here I look forward to sharing some of my favorite things with you. Let’s wonder and ponder together.

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Please note, the views, opinions, and beliefs expressed on this blog are my own.