A Prayer for New Year’s Eve

Faithful God,
I am preparing to say good-bye to 2014 and hello to 2015. Before I shut the door on this year, I pause to remember…

Thank you, God, for the opportunities I had this year. I remember…

Loving God, thank you for being with me through the difficult days. It isn’t easy or fun, but I remember…

Thank you, God, for community…for people who loved and supported me and for those I loved and supported. Thank you for the people who walked with me, who challenged me, and who laughed with me. Thank you, God, for my loved ones…

Thank you, Holy One, for seasons of the year. Thank you for the winter days of waiting and resting. Thank you for the springtime days of new life and opportunity. Thank you for summer days of growth and change. Thank you for fall days of enjoying the fruits of our labor and pausing to give thanks. In the seasons of this year and the seasons of our lives, I give you thanks, O God.

And now after remembering, I turn 2014 to my memories and to You and open myself to all that You have for me in 2015. Be with me, Loving God, as you have always been. Amen.

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